Miss Camy Cheung
Founder & Dean
創辦人 及 院長
- 香港青少年舞蹈總會主席
President of Hong Kong Youth Dance Association
- 青少年體育舞蹈訓練學會會長
Chairperson of Youth Sports Dance Training Association
- 香港中華文化總會副理事長
Hong Kong Chinese Culture Association Vice Chairman
- A.R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院院士
Associate of ARAD Royal Academy of Dance
- I.D.T.A.英國皇家舞蹈教師協會-高級教師
Associate Teacher of IDTA The National Association of Teachers of Dancing
- WDC世界舞蹈總會國際裁判/高級教師/考官
International Adjudicator , Senior Dance Teacher and Examiner of World Dance Council
- 香港體育舞蹈總會裁判
Judge of International Dance Sport Federation
- 香港藝術發展局舞蹈評審
Jury member of Hong Kong Arts Development Council
- 亞洲精英舞蹈大賽創辦人
Founder of Asian Elite Dance Competition
1981年創辦香港佳佳舞蹈學院,主要教授芭蕾舞,中國舞,拉丁舞。除教學外亦創作大量具代表性的舞蹈作品,多次獲得金獎 及編舞獎,深受同界贊賞。四十多年來,張氏不懈努力,積極參與推動全港文化藝術活動,每年均與康樂及文化事務署合作,舉辦 大型舞蹈晚會及比賽,並多次邀請國內外知名舞蹈家前來合作交流演出。每年均獲邀擔任全港舞蹈比賽及各區舞蹈比賽評審。
In 1981,Ms Cheung established the Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing, mainly teaches Ballet, Chinese and Latin. On top of teaching, she is also enthusiastic in choreography. Her pieces are widely recognized and have won numerous Gold Medal and Choreography Award. Throughout these forty years, Ms Cheung actively promotes the cultural and artistic activity in Hong Kong. She collaborates with Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department in organizing different competitions and performances.
2004年12月正式成立香港青少年舞蹈總會,至今培育了一批又一批出色的青少年選手,在本港及亞洲地區屢獲殊榮。2008年獲香港舞蹈聯會頒發「舞蹈 教育大獎」。 2011年6月獲政府康樂及文化事務署頒贈社區體育會「五年冠」的卓越大獎。 8月獲香港舞蹈聯會頒發「舞蹈藝術成 就大獎」。張氏獲康樂及文化事務署支持,
於2012年1月1日及2日在伊利沙伯體育館舉辦「2012亞洲精英舞蹈節(香港)公開賽」 ,掀起全港青少年又一個舞蹈新潮流。
In 2004, Ms Cheung established the Hong Kong Youth Dance Association which successfully nurtures a group of talented youth contestants who compete on behalf of Hong Kong and get numerous awards. Ms Cheung received the “Dance Education Award” in 2008 and Dance Arts Contribution Award in 2011 from the Hong Kong Dance Association, in recognition of her contribution and achievement in dance. In 2012, with the support from leisure and Cultural Services Department , Ms Cheung successfully launched the first Asia Elite Dance Competition in Queen Elizabeth Stadium.
Ms Cheung also received “Outstanding Dance Artist Award“ from Hong Kong Dance Federation in 2018.