Miss Cynthia Wong
Associate Dean 副院長
- 香港佳佳舞蹈學院資深導師及編舞
Senior Instructor and Choreographer of Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing
- 香港大學工商管理系一級榮譽學士
First Honor Bachelor Degree of The University of Hong Kong
- R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院CBTS教師文憑
C.B.T.S. Teacher Certificate of Royal Academy of Dance
- R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院註冊教師
Registered Teacher of Royal Academy of Dance
Ms Wong started ballet training in the Kowloon branch of Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing at the age of five, with the outstanding results, she was awarded the Academy’s scholarship. She performed different leading roles in various classical repertoires, for instance, “Sleeping Beauty” grand Pas de duex, “Le Corsaire” solo, “Paquita” solo, “Swan Lake” Odile Pas de duex and Little Swans and so on. She was selected to perform in the Hong Kong Ballet Group’s show and was awarded the “Margot Fonteyn Memorial Scholarship” in 1993. She won the Silver Medal in the 23rd HK Open Dance Contest in 1995 and Bronze Medal in Senior Girls Group in HK Ballet Group Stars Award in 2000.
1997年以優異成績考獲英國皇家芭蕾舞學院高級舞蹈員文憑。2004年以一級榮譽畢業於香港大學,在校期間獲頒發獎學金遠赴加拿大哥倫比亞大學作學術交流,並於當地著名的Harbour Dance Centre跟隨波蘭籍老師Marek Fiertek習舞。2010年考獲英國皇家芭蕾舞學院CBTS教師文憑。
Ms Wong passed the Advanced exam of Royal Academy of Dance with Distinction in 1997. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong with First Honor in 2004, during the school years, she was awarded a full scholarship to The University of British Columbia in Canada for academic and cultural exchange. She continued to pursue her ballet training in Habour Dance Centre in Canada under the coaching of Polish instructor Marek Fiertek. She attained the CBTS teacher certificate in 2010.
黃氏近年積極參與編舞及排練比賽,其改編獨舞《艾絲米拉達》榮獲第三十六屆全港公開舞蹈比賽芭蕾舞少年組金獎及最佳表現獎。其全新編作品《Feel the Rhythm》及《搖鼓舞》分別獲得第三十七屆全港公開舞蹈比賽芭蕾舞公開組及兒童組銀獎。2011年更憑其新編現代芭蕾舞「A New Day」獲得第三十九屆全港公開舞蹈比賽芭蕾舞公開組金獎及最佳表現獎。近年憑其新編現代芭蕾舞作品,連續兩年獲得第四十六屆及第四十七屆全港公開舞蹈比賽芭蕾舞少年B組金獎及最佳表現獎。
In recent years, Ms Wong is active in the choreography and rehearsal for students’ competition. Her novel piece “A New Day” was awarded the Gold Medal and Best Performance Award in the 39th HK Open Dance Contest. Her new contemporary ballet pieces won the Gold Medal and Best Performance Award in the 46th and 47th HK Open Dance Contest for two consecutive years.
In 2021, Ms Wong was promoted to the Associate Dean of Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing.