Miss Doris Kong
Principal 校長
- 香港佳佳舞蹈學院主要資深導師及編舞
Senior Instructor and Choreographer of Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing
- R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院註冊教師
Registered Teacher of Royal Academy of Dance
- A.R.A.D.英国皇家芭蕾舞学院院士
Associate of Royal Academy of Dance
- R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院教師C.B.T.S文憑
C.B.T.S. Teacher Certificate of Royal Academy of Dance
- R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院高級舞蹈員文憑 (Advance II)
Advanced II Certificate of Royal Academy of Dance
Ms Kong started ballet training since the age of five. She passed the Grade 8 exam of Royal Academy of Dance with Distinction. She joined Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing in 2006. She was in charge of numerous competitions and performances with astonishing results.
2015年7月作品《煙花》獲邀前往日本東京參與DuHai Aki Ballet Academy週年演出。 2016年於第44屆全港公開舞蹈比賽中,憑全新作品《心扉》(三人舞) 及《Coppelia》 (獨舞) 分別榮獲少年A組及B組金獎兼最佳表現獎。同年晉升為本院行政及教學主任,並獲學院頒發首位 “傑出老師大獎”。2017年憑全新編作品《春天小夜曲》(群舞) 榮獲第45屆全港公開舞蹈比賽芭蕾舞少年A組金獎兼最佳表現獎。
Starting from 2007, Ms Kong acted as the main rehearsal teacher for the Academy’s annual show. In 2012, she was invited by Dongguan Juliet Dance School to be the guest teacher and rehearsal coach for artistic exchange. In 2014, she led a group of students to Singapore to attend a cultural and artistic exchange there. In 2015, her original piece “Firework” was invited to perform in DuHai Aki Ballet Academy annual show in Japan. In 2016, she was presented the first “Outstanding Teacher Award” by the Academy in recognition of her remarkable teaching achievements. Her dance piece had brought her numerous Gold Medals and Best Performance Awards in the HK Open Dance Contest.
2018年江氏帶領金獎作品《心憶》前往韓國參與 Exchange Tour Universal Ballet of Korea演出。2019年暑假,獲廈門卓玥教育集團邀請,為《研學交流夏令營》進行交流課及排練。
In 2018, she led the Academy’s students to participate in the Exchange Tour to Universal Ballet of Korea. Recently, Ms Kong is active in leading students to different International competitions and scholarship cultural exchange around the world, for example in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Beijing, Australia and so on.
In 2021, Ms Kong was promoted to be the Principal of HK Camy Academy of Dacning.