幼兒班 Pre-Level
基礎 & 初級 芭蕾舞班 Foundation & Junior Ballet
高級 & 進階 芭蕾舞班 Senior & Intermediate Ballet
爵士舞班,足尖班 Jazz , Pointe Class
本校每年度均保送全年有80%出席率及程度達到標準之學員參與澳洲舞蹈教師協會 Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD) 之4月份 或 英國皇家芭蕾舞學院 Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) 之5月份升級試
Every year, we guarantee our students who have attendance rate of 80% and level up to the standard to participate the examination of Australia Teachers of Dancing (ATOD) in April or The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) in May.
此外,本院積極推廣學員參與大型表演活動,公開比賽及海外交流團,並甄選學員參加本港或海外的獨舞/群舞比賽。本院每年均舉辦學校週年匯演,讓每位學員可展現自己一年的學習成果 。享受踏上舞台的喜悅,表現自信,與家長分享。
In addition, we actively promote the participation in performance activities, open competitions and overseas exchange tours. We also select students to participate in the competitions, as solo or group dance, in HK and overseas. Performance show is held annually. This is a great time for them to show their learning achievements on stage, express self confidence and share the joy with family.
幼兒班 Toddlers class
Pre-Level 1 Age 2-3
Pre-Level 2 Age 3-4
Pre-Level 3 Age 4-5
本學院採用澳洲舞蹈教師協會課程 Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD),
Pre-Level 1-3 are based on the Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD) syllabus.
Children are exposed to ballet and jazz in the dance class, in order to cultivate a sense of musicality, self confidence and social skills. Annual progressive examination set a target for the semester.

基礎 & 初級 芭蕾舞班
Foundation & Junior Ballet
Pre-Primary Age 5-6
Primary Age 6-7
Grade 1 — 4 Age 7 或以上 每年考升級試 升班。
從 Pre-Primary 開始,採用英國皇家芭蕾舞學院 Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) 課程。
Starting from Pre-primary, an important foundation training, we follow the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) syllabus. We further cultivate on the body flexibility, technical skills and expression of the gracefulness of ballet.
高級 & 進階 芭蕾舞
Senior & Intermediate Ballet
Grade 5 – 8
Advance 1
Advance 2
加強及注重技巧段練,推向各層面的難度,練習時間增加至每星期兩堂 。
古語云 :台上一分鐘,台下十年功。有賴熱誠、堅持與努力,而得到最佳成果。
Senior Ballet is a stepping stone into the new stage.
We focus more on the technical training, accelerating the difficulty of different aspects, and thus the practice time increases to two sessions per week. A minute of performance on stage may require ten years of training behind. Passion, persistence, hard work are all the keys to success.

爵士舞班 Jazz
Test 1 Age 5-6
Test 2 Age 6-7
Test 3 Age 7-8
Bronze Medal Age 8 開始 每年考升級試 升班
Bronze Star
Silver Medal
Silver Star
Gold Medal
Gold Star
此課程根據澳洲舞蹈教師協會 Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD) 的課程教授爵士舞的基本舞蹈技巧。因應爵士舞的不斷發展建立獨特的舞蹈課程,學生將系統地認識到 Funk、Hip Hop、Broadway、Musical Theatre & Lyrical 等各種風格.
本院均推薦學員每年度報考”澳洲舞蹈教師協會”的 爵士舞班證書課程 ATOD Jazz Moves 升級試。
This course is based on the Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD) curriculum to educate the basic Jazz dance skills. In response to development of Jazz dance, students can systematically recognise various styles such as Jazz Funk, Hip Hop, Broadway, Musical Theatre & Lyrical.
The course progresses from the basic, making use of the strong musical beats and lively dance steps, we cultivate children’s physical co-ordination, control of power, musical sense, self-confidence and cooperation. On top of all, we enhance performance and creativity.
足尖班 Pointe Class
(須經甄選 或 老師推薦)
Students who age 11 or over have the opportunity to be selected to participate in pointe class. Through this training, they can strengthen their technical skills and personal improvement.
It is the dream of a dancer to dance gracefully on toes.

(須經甄選 或 老師推薦)
香港佳佳舞蹈學院宗旨培養學員達到 “Confidence”, “Attitude”, “Moral”, “Yare” 四種品德,為使學習質素提升,本院重視各學員的學習態度、課堂表現、儀容品德及出席率。對象是6歲或以上全體學員,因應學員不同年紀及各具潛能,安排合適的訓練,讓更多學員能夠得到多層面學習機會和比賽經驗。
Our Academy’s aim is to enable students to achieve of C-confidence, A-Attitude, M-Moral,Y-Yare. We will set appropriate training according to the different ages and potentials of students, so that more students can get multi-levels of learning opportunities and competition experience.
Confidence (Class C) :學院/老師推薦的獨舞學員,積極參與學院活動,過往曾多次參加公開比賽或國際比賽並得到優異成績。每星期必須出席兩堂額外排練課,針對基本功和舞段訓練,由老師安排參與本院推薦之本地及國際比賽,並獲得本院資助計劃,從而令學員得到更多的學習機會。
Class C is for the Academy or teachers’ nominated soloist students who actively participate in our Academy’s activities, have extensive experience in joining different open and international competitions and get excellent results. Class C students must attend two additional rehearsal classes every week for technical or repertoire training. Selected students will get sponsorship from the Academy in order to broaden their scope of experience.
Attitude (Class A) :12歲-15歲羣舞學員,每星期必須出席額外排練課,當中需要接受 一段時間足尖鞋訓練,針對技術上的練習和團隊精神,表現突出之學員將會獲邀代表本院參加羣舞比賽。
Class A is for the Academy’s selected ensemble students aged 12-15. Students have to attend additional rehearsal classes per week, including pointe training. We focus on technique training and cultivating team spirit. Outstanding students will be selected to represent our Academy to participate in various ensemble competitions.
Moral (Class M) :6歲以上獨舞學員,因應比賽進度和負責老師安排出席額外排練課,針對比賽舞段練習,並由老師安排參與本院推薦之比賽。
Class M is for Academy’s selected soloists aged above 6. Students have to attend additional training according to the competition progress and teacher’s arrangement. Students will join the solo competition recommended by the Academy.
Yare (Class Y) :9-11歲羣舞學員,因應比賽進度及負責老師的安排出席額外排練課,透過羣舞排練中,增強老師和學員之間的合作性、默契和經驗,表現突出之學員將會獲邀代表本院參加羣舞比賽。
Class Y is for the Academy’s selected ensemble students aged 9-11. Students have to attend additional rehearsal classes according to the competition progress and teacher’s arrangement. We focus on cultivating team spirit and enriching experience. Outstanding students will be selected to represent our Academy to participate in various ensemble competitions.