香港佳佳舞蹈學院(HKCAD),由香港著名資深舞蹈教育家 張佳梅女士(Ms.CAMY CHEUNG)於1981年獨力創辦。經過四十多年努力,作育英才,培育了數十位舞蹈界精英,桃李滿門。張院長憑著對舞蹈教育事業的熱誠與堅持,至今仍然活躍於業界舞台,積極參與及策劃各項大型活動,並獲邀擔任評審及藝術顧問。
Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing was founded single-handed in 1981 by acclaimed and experienced dance educationalist – Ms Camy Cheung, after more than 40 years of hard working, the Academy has cultivated many promising local elite dancers. With her perseverance, self-less devotion and passion for dancing.
With Ms Cheung’s capable leadership, many years of proven teaching experience, a mighty teaching team, a dedicated and professional approach to dance education for students coming from different backgrounds, the Academy has earned the reputation as one of the leading local dance academies. Its students competed each year in all major dance competitions with distinguished achievements. Many of them received scholarship for overseas training and competitions.
Despite the present competitive environment, the Academy will continue to uphold its students-centred approach and the philosophy of fostering the all-rounded character development of students covering “Moral, Intelligent, Physical, Social, Aesthetic”. To this end, the Academy actively seeks and provides opportunities for students to explore, venture and discover their own dancing world. Ms Cheung, together with all teaching staff, will keep on striving to reach new heights in promotion of the arts of dancing.